We conducted an integrated
geomorphological analysis and
ecological interpretation of
physical impacts on the river.
This involved auditing and
surveying the full 130km.
The ecological survey recorded
habitats adjacent to both
banks of the river following
the standard Phase 1 Habitat
Survey methodology.
Aquatic macrophyte surveys
were conducted along the
full length of the river, with
detailed spot check surveys
undertaken every 500m,
where access allowed.
At each spot check site we
recorded the species present
within the river and sections
of bank likely to be
frequently inundated.
Any other features of note
were also recorded such
as evidence of siltation, cattle
poaching, fording, bankside
modification or pollution.
Photographic records were
compiled with photographs
taken up and downstream and
across the channel. During
the walkover survey we also
recorded any evidence of
protected or notable species,
in particular Otter and Badger.
Any evidence of non-native
invasive plant species was
highlighted and Himalayan
Balsam was found to be a
particularly severe problem
from the middle reaches to the
confluence with the Severn.
This led to a comprehensive
map of non-native, invasive
species being compiled for the
whole river.
Development of a river
restoration plan which lays
out a number of restoration
options for the River Teme will
be implemented over the next
50 years working with local
river owners and managers.
The river restoration plan
builds on an understanding of
the morphology and ecology
of the river and its floodplain.
This relationship forms
with the processes controlling
sediment and gravel
redistribution along
the system.
Also taking into consideration
existing constraints and
land uses along the river
the pan considers site based
actions and implementation.
Identification of key pressures
along the River Teme include:
• Bed erosion, incision and
floodplain disconnection
• Bank instability
• Embankments
• Lack of trees and woodland
• Poor floodplain
• Invasive species
• Channel training and bank
• Channel realignment.
Click here to email
Kieran Sheehan
Ecology Lead | 01302 337798 | 01675 437 750 | @JBAConsulting | JBA Consulting
Natural England
River Teme,
Feasibility Stage,
The next steps
1. Results were used
to generate an outline
restoration plan for
the river on a reachby-reach
2. Likely delivery
mechanisms were
identified for different
aspects of restoration
and provided
approximate costings.
3. We assisted Natural
England and partners
in a stakeholder
consultation exercise.
4. A final restoration
plan, incorporating
the results of the
consultation exercise,
was produced.