We conducted a feasibility study which
identified a preferred option for the river
restoration in Gadebridge Park.
The project deliverables included a fully
costed options appraisal and outline
design of three main restoration options
and incorporated:
• Geomorphological walkover
investigation. This included gathering
detailed information of the existing
channel in the park, mapping key
morphological problems (such as
excessive siltation) and also visiting
areas within the wider catchment to find
more natural 'analogue sites'
• A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
(PEA) which identified the main
ecological constraints (including invasive
species) to the project and potential
areas for improvement within the park
(e.g. Wetland creation)
• An engineering assessment and liaison
with utility companies
• Cultural Heritage Assessment (CHA) of
each of the options and variations
• Landscape Visual Assessment (LViA)
of the preferred option
• Contaminated land assessment
• Ground water assessment
• A multi criteria options appraisal (MCA
of all the options detailing the benefits
of implementing each option
• Stakeholder engagement with the
local council, Affinity Water, park user
groups and the wider community in
• Presentation material for use in public.
engagement events via site meetings,
presentations, drop in events
• CAD plans, cross sectional details and
long profiles.
A final Feasibility report was produced
based on the above assessments and
an outline design of the preferred
option. The preferred option was the
realignment of the river through the
park and restoration back to a natural
course at the bottom of the valley.
This will reconnect the river back to its
floodplain and to groundwater through
the reach. In addition, new footpaths,
wetland and nature areas will be
created making the river and park more
accessible to local users.
The outline design has subsequently
been taken forward to detailed design
(2018) and construction which we are
currently in the process of developing. | 01675 437 750 | @JBAConsulting | JBA Consulting
Client | Environment Agency
Location | Hemel Hempstead, UK
Date| 2015-17
Click to email Matthew Hemsworth
Principal/Lead Geomorphologist