Despite the scale of the financial and organisational challenges FSLT is
facing, a considerable amount of work was undertaken to develop and
deliver high quality services and programmes with dedicated knowledge,
professionalism and passion. Some of the challenges included:
• A full year's increased competition from the private sector, particularly within West Fife
• Levenmouth Swimming Pool and Sports Centre closed for five months to allow capital
development and refurbishment work to take place
• Dalgety Bay Sports and Leisure Centre facilities closed to allow for the installation of a
new gym and two studios
• Good weather during the summer holiday period resulting in low usage of facilities
and programmes
• Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre's sports hall closed for five weeks to allow for a new floor to
be installed
• Carnegie Leisure Centre's health suite closed fully for 16 weeks and partially for 20 weeks
• A part-year's closure of crèche services
• A reduction in swimming pool operating hours at the Beacon Leisure Centre
Despite the challenges, the year saw an introduction of a number of initiatives designed to
widen access to our services, increase levels of income, contain operating costs and focus
on our journey of continuous improvement to meet the expectations of our customers.
Making a positive difference to our communities remained a priority, with our Operational
and Health and Wellbeing Teams each continuing to make an outstanding contribution to
implementing national and local strategies. Work was also undertaken to promote community
health and physical activity. Initiatives were developed to support older adults and those living
with long-term health conditions and FSLT remained committed to engaging with children and
young people to promote a life-long interest in physical activity.
FSLT also had a far-reaching and significant role to play in supporting Fife Council to deliver its
Plan4Fife, particularly within the area of community planning. Examples of initiatives delivered
• Providing career awareness opportunities for young people to attend lifeguard training
courses and obtain work experience in sports and leisure centres
• Supporting economic growth by being a purchaser of supplies and services from local
• Providing volunteering opportunities for people who want to put something back into
the community
• Giving unemployed people looking for work the opportunity to keep active at a reduced cost
• Providing discounted access to facilities and services for local businesses to encourage
their workforce to remain healthy and reduce sickness absence
• Adopting corporate social responsibility as a means of giving something back to the
communities of Fife
At a national level FSLT continued its membership with Community Leisure UK (formerly SPORTA)
who specialise in representing charities and social enterprises delivering public leisure and
cultural services across England, Scotland and Wales. As a member of Community Leisure UK,
FSLT is committed to helping to achieve the principles of best value and the sharing of knowledge,
expertise and best practice.
Review of the Year