Richmond October What's On 7
8 October
The Mitre Hotel Wedding Showcase
The Mitre Hotel, 10am-1pm
With a Mock-up Ceremony & Wedding Breakfast,
you'll be able to get a little taste of what your
special day will be like
8 October
Kew Walk
Meet at St Anne's Church, Kew, 2pm
Stroll around Kew Green, the churchyard at
St Anne's where famous artists are buried, and
part of the riverside path
9 October
Simon Targett: Petersham adventurer
George Vancouver
Duke Street Church, Richmond, 8pm-9pm
The explorer and adventurer George Vancouver,
after whom the city in Canada is named, retired
to Petersham and is buried in the churchyard
at St Peter's Petersham. Historian Dr Simon
Targett tells us about his life
10 October
Discovery Day
The Poppy Factory, 10am
The Poppy Factory has been an integral part
of Richmond since the 1920s. Today we still
make Remembrance products in our factory,
and we also support veterans into all kinds
of employment across England and Wales
Discovery Day
Simon Targett