6 News in brief
Around our academies
• Professor Clive Behagg, Vice-Chancellor of the University
of Chichester, was delighted to visit both The Flying Bull
Academy and Mill Chase Academy recently, meeting staff
and pupils and talking to students about their aspirations
and future goals.
• Frogmore Junior School pupils enjoyed a whole-school
workshop with University of Chichester Maths specialist
Sam Parkes based on the story book '365 Penguins' and
combining story-telling and environmental education with
stimulating maths investigations.
• Mill Chase students can look forward to some
conversación española in September as Spanish is
introduced to the curriculum as an additional language.
New Principal for Mill Chase Academy
A warm welcome in Bordon for Mr Paul Hemmings
With 13 years' experience in secondary school leadership
positions, Mr Paul Hemmings joined Mill Chase Academy as
Principal at the beginning of the summer term and was
immediately impressed by the courtesy of his new students.
Mr Hemmings said, 'Not only have the young people at Mill
Chase been very welcoming, but in every classroom there is a
real sense of engagement with learning and positive working
relationships between staff and students.'
Science students proved their new Principal's point with a
successful trip to the University of Surrey where they
competed against several local schools to win the 'Salters
Festival of Chemistry Challenge'.
Mr Paul Hemmings
meets students at
Mill Chase Academy.