Academy update
News from across our Multi-Academy Trust
Spring term 2015
The Trust-wide INSET day was the first such event led by
the Academy Trust and it brought to life to our vision of a
family of schools working together with the University,
sharing ideas and sharing knowledge to enrich our pupils'
education. I warmly thank all who attended for their energy,
enthusiasm and positive feedback and I know that we all
look forward to our secondary colleagues from Mill Chase
Academy joining us at a future event.
This term we also welcomed our governing bodies to a
networking and training event at the University's Chichester
campus. With our new governance lead advisor, Verona
Hall, we looked at the role of the Local Governing Body in an
academy as well as exploring the resources and support
provided by the Academy Trust. Our governors are all
volunteers who contribute their time and extensive skills to
assist in the governance of our academies and we value
them greatly.
I know that much exciting work has been going on this term
in our academies and you can read about some of it in this
update. I thoroughly enjoy visiting our academies and
catching up on your news through your websites and
newsletters. I hope in return that these pages will give you
an insight into life across the Trust, particularly as our busy
family of academies begins to work more closely together in
all kinds of ways.
Sue Samson
Chief Executive Officer
From the Chief Executive Officer
What a great way to start 2015 at a full gathering of our primary phase teaching
staff at Berewood Primary School in Waterlooville.