Academy update
News from across our Multi-Academy Trust
Autumn term 2015
There is nothing quite like the build up to Christmas in
schools and it is something I miss from my days as a teacher.
I know how proud pupils and staff feel to share festive
accomplishments with family and friends and I hope you
have all been able to participate in some way yourselves.
Of course it is a privilege of my job throughout the year to
spend time at our academies, ensuring that the Trust
provides the support, direction and opportunities to enable
our dedicated staff to deliver excellent education. Evidence
of our academies' achievements and the significant progress
made by pupils can be found in this year's results and I
commend pupils and staff on all their hard work.
I was delighted recently to welcome academy leaders to the
University's Graduation ceremony at Chichester, not only to
support the University on an inspirational day but to
congratulate three particular graduates who are now
starting their careers as Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) in
our academies. The occasion reminded me of our many
strengths as a University Academy family, as we welcomed
our bright new employees, marked the achievement of staff
members who gained Masters Degrees and also saw the
award of a prestigious honorary doctorate to our own Board
member Philip Robinson for his long and continuing
contribution to the University and to education.
As we celebrate the many and various successes of 2015
may I offer my warmest wishes to all of our Academy Trust
family, friends and supporters for the Christmas season.
From the Chief Executive Officer
Our academies are always lively, happy places but it is extra special to be part of a
school community at this exciting time of year.
Sue Samson
Chief Executive Officer