The Flying Bull Academy is thrilled with the announcement by
the Department for Education that it is amongst the 100 top
performing schools nationally, based on sustained
improvement in attainment at level 4 and above in reading,
writing and mathematics each year from 2012-2014.
Deputy Headteacher Lee Dallinger said: 'David Laws, the
Minister of State for Schools, wrote to congratulate us and
particularly recognised the "good start in life" that we provide
for our disadvantaged pupils. We are extremely proud and
recognise that this success is the result of the relentless effort
the staff invests in all children at the school.'
Flying Bull is a "Top 100" school
Congratulations from the Minister
The University of Chichester has been working with Fernhurst
Primary School on a scheme of work which enables nonspecialist
class teachers to introduce Spanish to all pupils.
Elaine Minett, the University's Modern Foreign Languages Coordinator,
said: 'Delivering a foreign language through class
teachers means that Spanish can become part of the everyday
life of the school. Pupils practise the language on a little and
often basis, which improves their recall.'
Headteacher Gary Parkes added, 'Our teachers are supported
with half termly training to develop their understanding of the
language and strategies for teaching and learning. It's
marvellous to begin to hear the results in classrooms around
the school.'
Un momento - let's try that in Spanish
Foreign language teaching is part of every
Fernhurst classroom