Research serves many purposes.
Its importance is summarised in
the following paragraph. This is not
intended as a comprehensive list.
Overall research helps to ensure
that practice, policy and other
decisions are based clearly on the
best up to date available evidence.
It contributes to an evaluation of the
effectiveness of social work services
in meeting people's needs. It helps to
assess and respond to the needs of
people in society who need support
and services. It encourages greater
collaboration between academic,
other research evidence providers
and policy and practice settings in
order to identify and respond to
gaps. It supports methods for the
translation of effective research
into practice through engaging and
encouraging collaboration with the
end - user to increase the exchange,
dissemination and use of research
evidence. It gives a voice to service
users and carers as advocated
by the UK Public Involvement
Standards4 and connects to the
value base of social work practice.
The Importance of Research