Our aim was the development of a
culture that recognises and values
the contribution of research evidence
within social work and social care to
support better outcomes for service
users and carers.
A review of the strategy was
undertaken in (2019)2 which has
identified and acknowledged many
achievements over a relatively short
timeframe and made suggestions for
moving forward. The consultation
process undertaken as part of this
review pointed to a broad consensus
that the Research and Continuous
Improvement Strategy symbolises
an overarching commitment to the
development of research and evidence,
research capacity and collaborative
There was also agreement that
strategically there needs to be greater
clarity regarding purpose, planned
and timely actions, outcomes and an
implementation plan identifying roles
and responsibilities of those involved.
Social Work Research and
Continuous Improvement Strategy
2015 - 2020
In Pursuit of Excellence in Evidence Informed Practice
in Northern Ireland
Supporting the profession and improving outcomes
Data Information
Evidence Practice
"We shouldn't
underestimate the
symbolic nature of the
Social Work Research and
Continuous Improvement
Strategy for providing an
impressive commitment
to social work research
and an important
message about
its value".
In 2015 we launched the
Social Work Research and
Continuous Improvement
Strategy 2015-2020
(HSCB 2015)