A review of the original strategy
(2015-2020) undertaken in
(2019) gave us the impetus for
the establishment of a network
of interested stakeholders. The
ambition is to build a community
that fosters mutually beneficial
relationships and partnerships in
research evidence.
Through collaborative working we
hope to build upon our evidence
base relevant to social work and
social care in Northern Ireland.
Over time this will help us identify
the types of research evidence
which best informs practice,
explore gaps in our evidence
and support the identification of
research evidence priorities. This
community based on the principle
of collaboration, equality and
participation will be instrumental
in agreeing on the content of the
new strategy to ensure ownership
of the agenda. This supports
the vision and intentions of the
original strategy but with a new
enthused energy, ownership and
commitment as we move forward.
Membership of the research
community is drawn from a range
of backgrounds and includes
service users and carers (with
knowledge and competence in
research evidence), statutory,
community and not for profit
"We are committed to
ensuring that people
have confidence in our
decisions and service
developments are
evidence based."