Focus Area 1
Building collaborative networks
through engagement and
• Establish an infrastructure inclusive of a
Core Group reflective of representatives
from key stakeholders and throughout
different levels of organisations.
• Situate any tasks within this structure
which will also allow greater openness,
transparency and accountability.
• Develop and agree Terms of
Reference inclusive of governance and
accountability issues.
• Develop an agreed "plan on a page"
and "detailed action plan" with clear
measurable goals, targets and timelines
and an associated immediate and longer
- term work plan. Review this plan.
• Collate evidence on how well we are
changing the mind - set and culture.
• Avoid duplication by creating synergy
and linkages with other existing meeting
and networks.
• Develop communications to keep the
conversation alive regionally and locally
and share nationally and internationally.
• Launch strategy and implementation plan
What we will do
Term Of
Action Planning