Focus Area 4
Inspiring research leadership,
competence and capacity
amongst staff and service
users and carers
• Support and drive leadership to embed an
organisational culture of research mindedness.
• Enable participants in the Research Community
to champion and drive the research evidence
agenda across service areas by recognising this
as a valid role.
• Facilitate a review of job descriptions of relevant
staff to ensure that research evidence is included.
• Support research evidence as a key component
of the practice teacher role.
• Nurture, develop and celebrate all those engaged
with research; practitioners, researchers,
academia and service users and carers.
• Provide practical opportunities for the promotion,
dissemination and sharing of new and already
existing research and evidence.
• Identify targets for investment in education
and learning and the development of social
workers and service users and carers in research,
evidence and critical appraisal.
• Cultivate diverse forms of research leadership.
• Build capacity amongst research leaders and
potential research leaders through learning and
other developmental opportunities.
• Create opportunities within learning and
development teams to recognise the value and
maintain the skill base of staff and service users
and carers who have achieved academic credit.
What we will do