Richmond February What's On 11
16-19 February
Jake Revolver, Freelance Secret Agent
Mary Wallace Theatre
Time: See website for details
In this radio-noir, private detective parody,
Jake Revolver fights against conspiracy,
double cross and self-reference to uncover
the killer of his own narrator
17 February
Treason in the Age of Abolition: Slave Laws,
Liberation Struggle, and Counterinsurgency
The National Archives, Kew, 2pm
Discover a lesser told tale of Treason
18 February
London Welsh 1st XV v Brighton
Old Deer Park, Richmond
18 February
Barnes Common Wassail
Time: See website for details
A Wassail is an ancient rural English celebration
giving fruit growers and pickers the opportunity
to drink to the good health of their fruit trees and
to an abundant crop in the coming year
18 February
Gaming meet up
Old Town Hall, Richmond, 10am-4pm
Whether you are a board game enthusiast or new
to the scene, come and join us for a new monthly
open gaming event and have fun, meet new
people and try a new game or two
Jake Revolver, Freelance Secret Agent
Barnes Common Wassail