Please note participants can work in a team or individual person quality improvement
What not to choose
Large scale projects, for example re-design of a service
A project without the support of your line manager / leadership within your area
What to choose
The improvement initiative should be focused on a small area of practice
As you will be undertaking a quality improvement project you must have the support of
your Clinical Manager / Governance Facilitator for your Directorate/Area of work.
The improvement initiative should have a team as opposed to an individual working on
it. (If you are undertaking the programme independently - you must form an
improvement team to include individuals associated with all areas that will be affected
by the improvement work and where possible work along with a service user)
Small system and process changes should be within the control of the relevant
organisation and are more likely to succeed
Improvement initiative should focus on safety, quality and improving the service user
In identifying and developing an improvement initiative, ask yourself:
1. What are we trying to accomplish?
2. How will we know that a change is an improvement?
3. What changes can we make that will result in an improvement?