Welcome to one of
England's most
historic, hidden
Explore Syon Park,
the spectacular
London home of the
Duke of
Open from mid-March to end of October
Gardens: Termtime: Weds to Sun; School Holidays: Mon to Sun
House: Weds, Thurs, Sun (and Bank Holidays)
Opening Times: 10.30am - 4.30pm (Last Entry 3.30pm)
: info@syonpark.co.uket="_blank" title="Visit www.syonpark.co.uk">www.syonpark.co.uk : info@syonpark.co.uk : 0208 560 0882
Come and discover the history!
Immerse yourself in the spectacular Robert Adam interiors and hear the
intriguing tales of Syon's medieval and Tudor past. Visit the stunning Great
Conservatory. Explore the Capability Brown landscape. Imagine yourself on the
sets of famous film and tv productions filmed in Syon's iconic rooms.
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