Use hybrid working to your
advantage - consider using
remote working time to work
on tasks which require most
concentration and focus,
and plan to use your time on
campus to work collaboratively
on projects, connect with others
and make use of the college
Keep in touch with colleagues
- make sure that you are
communicating with colleagues
from both a social and
professional perspective.
Be visible - keep your
colleagues up to date with
where and when you are
working and ensure colleagues
are able to reach you if they
need to. All colleagues should
be contactable within core
business hours (10am-4pm)
Be clear on your objectives -
when working in a hybrid way,
it is essential that both you
and your line manager fully
understand what is expected
of you and what your
priorities are.
Get organised - when
working off-campus, you need
to be more self-motivated
and manage your priorities
Speak up - and share your
experiences - both positive
and negative. If current hybrid
working arrangements aren't
working it is vital that you
inform your manager as soon as
possible. Hybrid working is new
to everyone at City of Glasgow
College, and adjustments can
be expected in getting the
balance right for teams and
Meetings - Use online
communication tools to
collaborate and share with
others in your team regardless
of whether you are on campus
or working from home. Set up
each meeting with an option
to join via Microsoft Teams as
standard to ensure everyone
can participate.