We have used the past 18 months to learn
about building our future world of work.
During the period of enforced home working,
we have gathered insight into how colleagues
can work more flexibly and maintain good
work-life balance.
We have done extensive research on best
practice from other industry sectors and
leading bodies, such as CIPD and Harvard
Business Review and engaged with experts,
such as Gemma Dale. We have also engaged
with other colleges on their best practice
We have consulted across college to try and
capture as much as we can to help, support
all our staff through these uncertain times and
genuinely trying to work out what the best
next steps are for the good of all our staff and
We appreciate everyone's contribution -
without your feedback we would not have
been able to produce this document, which
will of course, continue to evolve as we all
learn together.
Our collaborative journey
The Transition Questionnaire -
In the early days of the pandemic this was
designed in collaboration with our trade
union colleagues, it was used to gather
information to support Health, Safety &
Wellbeing and to ask colleagues what
they needed to support them with remote
The transition questionnaire was also
the tool that was used to capture all our
staff equipment requests, and it also
supported us in developing individual
risk assessments to support high risk
colleagues and supported us in the
introduction of workplace adjustment
We now have a formal equipment request
process in place which can be found on
Hybrid working
RC Survey results -
77% of RC Survey
of you asked for a
mix of campus and
home working.
The Principal's Briefing
Sessions - We prioritised health and
wellbeing at the highest levels of the
organisation. The Principal scheduled
staff briefings and interactive sessions for
all 1500 staff. Over 90% of you indicated
at these sessions a preference for hybrid
Remote working has shown me
the value of my coworkers. It is
challenging to work remotely and
can be lonely and isolating. I am
looking forward to being back in the
College working as a team, sharing
ideas and building relationships.
Employee feedback -
diboks suggestion box