There's no single way to do hybrid working. Each
organisation, even each team within it, will need
an approach that fits them and their own unique
The solution is not policies and procedures but cocreation.
Teams working together to determine the
answer to the critical question; what does hybrid
mean for us, here and now.
In order to do this, we need to encourage
exploration and reflection everywhere. To invite
people managers to engage with their teams to
discuss and decide. Because we know that when
we create something for ourselves, we place a
higher value upon it than something we are merely
told to do or that is given to us.
Line managers will discuss and agree with
individuals and teams, if and how hybrid working
can be applied. This should be considered in a
way which enables better work-life balance,
whilst fulfilling the College's expectations of service
It should be noted that some roles in the College
cannot be carried out from anywhere other than the
Campuses and therefore are not suitable for hybrid
working. We also know that for personal reasons
some colleagues may prefer to be in the office for
their full working week, which will be agreed and
We all need to approach hybrid working with
an open mind and work together to shape the
future of work at City of Glasgow College. We will
be creating a hybrid working hub on MyConnect
which will have tools and resources available to
help you (whether you are an employee or a line
manager) make hybrid working a success. This will
be frequently updated, and we invite you to share
best practice examples with colleagues across the
college using this platform.
To support these discussions some guidance
documents can be found on the following pages.