isn't always that visible. This view is because we are conflating
performance with presence and clear expectations should be set
regardless of location. Objectives, timescales for work completion
and expected outcomes should be clear. What is good practice about
performance hasn't changed - timely conversations, honest feedback,
a coaching approach.
WELLBEING This continues to be a top priority - a new wellbeing
plan has been developed by our newly recruited Wellbeing Officer,
who throughout the pandemic has implemented wellbeing activities
and interventions. Key pillars of wellbeing have been covered,
working collaboratively with colleagues and recognised trade
unions, using multiple data points to drive decisions and to evaluate
Our Robertson Cooper wellbeing survey will support us in attaining
an evidence-based approach for health and wellbeing to learn and
prepare for the future.
TECHNOLOGY Our IT department and estates teams have
worked hard over the past 18 months to ensure all staff and students
have the equipment to work remotely, even delivering the equipment
to homes. Our Learning & Teaching Academy have also delivered
sessions on Teams and Zoom tools to ensure all staff who were
working remotely were upskilled. We continue to monitor this and
now have an established process for equipment requests. Your
continuous feedback on this next part of our journey is essential for
us to develop this further.
CONTINUOUS REVIEW We cannot accurately predict the future
from the vantage of the present pandemic. We are still between the
old normal and the next thing and preferences and possibilities are
still emerging. It is essential we review, evaluate and reflect if we have
landed this correctly.
*Managers feedback from COGC
howspace platform
'Moving from a 'time
based' culture to an
'output' culture.'*
'Many processes
have already been
adapted and are
working well - we
would need to
continue to evaluate
and reflect on what is
working and anything
we need to change
as we move into
more hybrid working
and less completely
remote working.'*
'Clear expectations
for my team and
information on how
things have been set
up for other support