1. Your manager will talk to you individually
about your personal preference for
future working patterns after the
2. Discuss with your manager if you have a
suitable space in which to work at home
and whether you have the necessary
equipment or technology to work in
a continuously hybrid way after the
3. Your personal preferences may not
always be met and it may not be
possible to meet all your expectations.
4. Hybrid working is different from flexible
working. This is not a contractual
change. It will also not become implied
terms & conditions.
5. Discuss with your manager whether you
can meet any policy requirements long
term, such as health and safety or data
security procedures
6. When considering hybrid working think
about what worked well within your
team whilst working remotely during
the pandemic, how did you overcome
7. As part of the discussion with your
manager, consideration will be given to
how you will meet the needs of students
& colleagues
8. How will you ensure that when hybrid
working you will work in a healthy and
safe way
It is likely that within your team, some will experience this change in different ways.
You might be excited, or you may be anxious or concerned. Your points of view will be
considered before a decision on hybrid working is made.
Communicating how you feel about hybrid working will be important.
The key principles of good communication:
1. To ensure effective communication
you will be given the information you
need, in a timely way, to allow you to
successfully undertake your work.
2. As a team, you will agree the best ways
to communicate, with consideration
given to:
a. How often do we need to meet as a
team, and for what purpose?
b. When should meetings be online,
and when should they be face-toface?
c. What other ways are there to
communicate other than meetings?
3. As a team, you will agree on a way of
sharing who is working where and when.
4. We will ensure that information reaches
everyone, wherever and whenever they
are working.
To support fairness and inclusion:
1. Meetings will be held online by default.
When some members of the team are
working in the office and some are
working remotely, meetings will always
be held online.
2. Everyone will have an equal voice,
wherever or whenever you are working.
3. There will be some roles that cannot
work remotely at all. When deciding
who can or cannot work remotely, and
in consultation with the trade unions, we
will be clear about our decisions.