Reaching for those stars
2 Principal of Mill Chase Academy, Mr Paul Hemmings, was
guest speaker at a careers event held at the University of
Chichester in October, sharing his career journey with student
teachers in "A Head's Perspective on Recruitment and Career
Mr Hemmings, who was appointed to his first leadership role
only three years after qualifying as a Business Studies and
Economics teacher, became a Deputy Headteacher aged 32
and was appointed just seven years later to lead MCA, the
University of Chichester Academy Trust's first secondary
academy. 200 students attended the event and were
fascinated and inspired by Mr Hemmings' achievements and
his conviction that the early stages are of key importance to
graduates shaping a teaching career.
University Teaching Fair
Of course great schools are not all about examinations but -
as an Academy Trust - improving results are an important
benchmark in monitoring how well we are succeeding in all
our academies. The Academy Trust's Director of Standards,
Jerry Goddard, said: 'This year we were delighted to find
hoped-for improvements confirmed in many key areas for our
At Mill Chase Academy, our 11-16 secondary academy, a
particular focus this year on the performance of our most able
students led to more students achieving GCSE A*/A grades
than ever before.
The Trust's primary academies have demonstrated their
potential to quickly close the attainment gap on schools
nationally - particularly for disadvantaged pupils. More
primary pupils than ever before are making better than
expected progress compared to national figures.
The Trust is rightly proud of the efforts all of its academies.
The Academy Trust held a Governor Training Day on
Saturday, 21st November when the local governing bodies
from all our academies joined Trust staff at the University's
Chichester campus for a variety of workshops, planning
sessions for their own academies and the opportunity to
network with governors from other schools. The Trust
organises a regular programme of Governor training and the
next event is planned for the spring term 2016.
Local Governors working together