The magic of Graduation 2015
Wacky costumes and spellbinding ceremony
Sunday, 25th October was an exciting day for the Academy
Trust as gowns swirled and caps flew at the University of
Chichester's Graduation ceremonies for the Institute of
The central Academy Trust staff joined University colleagues
in a formal procession, representing the academic community
our graduating students were about to join and welcoming
them with loud applause as they crossed the stage.
Three of the Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) celebrating
their graduation have already started their first posts at our
academies: Lauren Ramsey at Fernhurst Primary School, Lucy
Penfold at Berewood Primary School, and Verity Scott at Mill
Chase Academy. We were delighted that they joined us for
coffee with their families after the ceremony to meet
Professor Clive Behagg, Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Chichester; Jon Spence, Director of the Institute of Education;
and staff and governors representing their academies.
Also graduating was Amey Hewitt (The Flying Bull Academy)
who was awarded her degree in Primary Education and
Teaching with QTS, while Sam Parkes (our School
Improvement Mathematics Specialist) and Carys Wreyford
(Kingsham Primary School) both gained their Master of Arts
degree in Education. To complete a memorable day Philip
Robinson, Board Member and Trustee of the University of
Chichester Academy Trust, received the highest honour a
University can award - Honorary Doctor of the University.
NQTs Lauren Ramsey (far left)
and Verity Scott with (l-r)
Professor Clive Behagg, Jon
Spence and Philip Robinson
NQTs Verity Scott (left) and Lucy
Penfold joining MCA and Berewood
Primary School respectively
Trust and academy staff with
graduating students and Sue
Samson (right) CEO of the Trust