Head of Adventure Education at the University of Chichester,
Dr Pete Bunyan, has plans to turn an area of Kingsham
Primary School's expansive grounds into a setting for Forest
Schools activities. Dr Bunyan, who has himself recently
completed his level three Forest Schools training, will be
working with the Academy to prepare the site.
Dr Bunyan explained: 'Some of the clearing and cutting back
will be part of the pupil activity and there's an ideal space in a
small copse where we can create a fire circle. It will be an
exciting venture for staff and pupils that will support the
whole school curriculum at Kingsham.'
Forest Schools plans for Kingsham
The Academy Trust welcomes enquiries from people who
may be interested in volunteering their time and skills as a
local governor. Visit h.turner@chi.ac.ukovernor">www.unicat.org.uk/become-localgovernor
for further details or contact Helen Turner on
Calling new governors
The University of Chichester's Fine Art Department is
working with our primary academies to set up projects for Art
students to work with our academy pupils. Senior Lecturer
Rachel Johnston is designing opportunities for students to
become academy "artists-in-residence" as part of their
University courses or, alternatively, workshop activities will be
offered at the University.
Artistic opportunities for pupils