Richard Cowan is Professor in Clinical Oncology at the Christie
Hospital Manchester, University of Manchester. He is also Director
of the Christie School of Oncology. He is an international examiner
in Oncology and is involved in delivering international cancer
courses . He is Chair of the UK Global Cancer Network
Susannah Stanway worked at consultant level beween 2012
and 2020 at the Royal Marsden Hospital London UK and had
an associate honorary faculty position at the Institute of Cancer
Research. Her principle research and education interests centre
around cancer control in LMICs. She has actively contributed to
oncology education of junior doctors by facilitating "train the
trainers courses" in East Africa a partnership between the East
African Development Bank, the British Council and the Royal
College of Physicians. She founded and chaired the steering group
of the "Cancer Control in LMICs" conference held annually at the
Royal Society of Medicine since 2016 which in 2019 inspired the
annual London Global Cancer Week
Danielle Rodin is a radiation oncologist at Princess Margaret
Cancer Centre (PM) and Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
at the University of Toronto (UTDRO). She is Director of the
PM Global Cancer Program, Director of Equity, Diversity, and
Professionalism at UTDRO, and a member of the UICC Board of
Rebecca Morton Doherty is a global health and development
professional with over 15 years' experience in the international
non-profit sector. As Director of Policy and Impact at the City
Cancer Challenge Foundation, she leads work to ensure that the
Foundation generates and shares high-quality evidence to inform
decision-making and scale impact for improved access to quality
cancer care.
Annie Young is Emerita Professor of Nursing at Warwick Medical
School and University Hospital, Coventry, UK. Annie works
initiating and implementing research encompassing supportive
care for people with cancer. She mentors many professionals,
globally. Educationally, Annie's focus is global cancer care; she coleads the 'Global Power
of Oncology Nursing' conference.
1. IARC. International Agency for Research on Cancer. Cancer Today. Number of deaths
from cancer worldwide, by income 2020 [Available from:
online-analysis-table?v=2020&mode=population&mode_population=income&population=900 &populations=900&key=asr&sex=0&cancer=39&type=1&statistic=5&prevalence=
2. LGCW. London Global Cancer Week 2021 [Available from:
3. UKGCN. UK Global Cancer Network 2021 [Available from:
4. Stanway S, Lodge M, Sullivan R, et al. The UK's contribution to cancer control in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet
Oncol. 2021;22(9):e410-e8.
5. Rodin D, Dare AJ, Booker R, et al. Transforming Canada's role in global cancer control.
Lancet Oncol. 2021;22(9):e400-e9.
6. City Cancer Challenge. Cities of Tomrorow Campaign 2021 [Available from: https://
7. City Cancer Challenge. Annual Report 2021 [Available from: http://2020annualreport.
8. Frech S, Bravo LE, Rodriguez I, et al. Strengthening Pathology Capacity to Deliver Quality
Cancer Care in Cities in LMICs. JCO Glob Oncol. 2021;7:917-24.
9. Paul Farmer. Global Health Equity and Cancer Care for Patients in Poverty 2013 [Available from: