'All Things Bright and Beautiful' at Berewood
New-build academy celebrates with community
Clockwise from left:
Berewood's oldest and youngest pupils
help cut the ribbon on launch day.
ITV Meridian News interviews pupils
on the first day of school.
Councillor Peter Edgar of HCC presents
the academy keys to Headteacher Sue
Patrick and Chair of the CAT Board
Professor Clive Behagg.
The celebration cake made by
Berewood parent Mrs Lisa Hampshire.
A memorable week of events marked the start of Berewood
Primary School's history with 150 guests attending the
opening assembly and ceremony. Special visitors included
The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Winchester, Councillor
Eileen Berry; The Right Worshipful the Mayor of Havant,
Councillor Marjorie Smallcorn; and the Bishop of Portsmouth,
The Rt Revd Christopher Foster.
Celebrating Berewood's location within the royal hunting
ground of the ancient Forest of Bere, the week's activities
included an enthralling bird of prey demonstration and a
chance to meet six-month-old baby owl Ernie.
The children enjoyed weaving and cooking, as well as
decorating pebbles and making clay handprints to place in the
grounds to commemorate the academy's opening. Green
screen videoing using the new technology resources proved
great fun and some wonderful crowns were created to wear
on a royal day of storytelling, followed by a family film night.
Sue Samson, Chief Executive Officer of the University of
Chichester Academy Trust, said at the launch event: 'It's
wonderful to be here in Berewood's bright and beautiful new
school. You have an inspirational head teacher, hand-picked
staff and a very special building and we will
work in partnership with you to support
your school to be the very
best it can be.'