Calling past Mill Chase pupils!
Do you know anyone who went to school at Mill Chase? Are you an ex-pupil?
Mill Chase is launching an Alumni Programme (they haven't
given up on making you learn Latin) to strengthen links with
the local community and to inspire current students by telling
the stories of the successful and diverse paths ex-students
have taken over the years.
Assistant Principal Stephanie Moral explained: 'Many of our
past students have developed businesses or taken up
unusual or exciting careers.
'We would love them to visit us to highlight to our school
community that having ambition and the courage to strive for
their dreams really can lead to excellence.'
If you can help, please contact Stephanie Moral via email:
s.moral@millchase.hants.sch.ukt="_blank" title="Visit s.moral">s.moral@millchase.hants.sch.uk
Mill Chase Academy's first set of GCSE results since
becoming an academy demonstrated a solid improvement
with 69% of students achieving a high grade in English and
67% achieving a high grade in Mathematics. The overall figure
for 5 A*-C including English and Mathematics increased to
49% (from 38% last year) exceeding the Government's floor
target of 40% for the first time in three years.
Among individual success stories, George Garland achieved
an outstanding 4xA*and 4xA grades plus an additional C
grade. 62 pupils achieved English and Maths A*-C grades
and at least 3 other A*-C grades. In English, 73% of pupils
made expected progress (up from 53% last year) and in
Maths, 68% made expected progress (up from 55%);
both figures above the national average.
Principal Paul Hemmings said, 'When I arrived as Principal
in April I saw that Mill Chase had the potential to become
an excellent academy very quickly and these results are a
clear indicator that improvements are beginning to
take effect. I am very proud of all our students and
congratulate them on their hard work. They were a
delightful year group.'
Mill Chase GCSE results show "solid improvement"
Hard work by staff and students is already making a difference