Paula Walls (Nurse Education Consultant)
Urgency to make "Verification of Death"
programmes available during the
Face to face teaching had to be stood
Online programmes were essential to
mitigate the risk of Covid-19 spread.
To enable staff and participants to
embrace virtual learning to meet the
demand, PDSA Cycles were used.
Why is this important?
Outcome measures
Learning and next steps
To improve the uptake of the Clinical
Education Centre (CEC) Regional
"Verification of Death" (VOD)
programmes, for nurses, midwives and
AHP's, by 10% by June 2020.
What has it achieved?
What are we doing and why?
www.cec.hscni.net twitter @hsccec. This initiative is part fulfilment of the Regional Quality Improvement Programme for Nurses and Midwives.
"ZOOM was easier
to use than I
thought. I could
see and hear
"140 in the class
and it felt okay,
great learning"
"Miss the
hands on, but
this is a great