Itinerary A - 14 night cruise: Fly to Barbados -
Port of Spain (Trinidad & Tobago) - Grenada - Dominica
- Martinique - Guadeloupe - St Maarten - Tortola
(British Virgin Islands for Virgin Gorda) - St Vincent
- Antigua & Barbuda - St Kitts & Nevis - Martinique -
Guadeloupe - St Lucia - Barbados - Fly home overnight
(itinerary varies)
Itinerary B - 16 night cruise: Fly to Guadeloupe - St Lucia
- Barbados - Port of Spain (Trinidad & Tobago) - Grenada
- Dominica - Martinique - Guadeloupe - St Maarten -
Tortola (British Virgin Islands for Virgin Gorda) - St Vincent
- Antigua & Barbuda - St Kitts & Nevis - Martinique -
Guadeloupe - St Lucia - Barbados - Fly home overnight
Itinerary C - 12 night cruise: Fly to Barbados - Port
of Spain (Trinidad & Tobago) - Grenada - St Vincent
& the Grenadines - Martinique - Guadeloupe -
Tortola (British Virgin Islands for Virgin Gorda) - St Maarten
- Dominica - St Kitts & Nevis - Antigua & Barbuda -
Martinique - Guadeloupe - Fly home overnight
Choose this extended Caribbean island hopping cruise
and cruise all the way back to Southampton. This one time
one off cruise is selling fast flying just once to visit some
of the more exotic and lesser frequented islands without
the need for a long overnight flight home. Unlike to rest
of the Caribbean season on this ship you will have the
chance to spend a full day in Barbados, call in at Tenerife
and visit Madeira on the way home. The offer includes
a direct one way Virgin Atlantic Premium Economy flight
and the port transfer in Barbados.
20 Night Itinerary: Fly to Barbados - Port of Spain
(Trinidad & Tobago) - Grenada - St Vincent - Martinique
- Guadeloupe - St Lucia - Barbados - Tenerife - Funchal
(Madeira) - Lisbon (Portugal) - Vigo (Spain) - Le Havre
- Southampton
MSC Preziosa • 13-17 Nights • December 2018-March 2019 • Prices from £1499pp
Free Upgrade from Oceanview to Balcony Stateroom!
✥ Direct Virgin Atlantic flights from Gatwick
✥ All transfers
✥ 12-16 nights' full-board cruise
✥ Free All inclusive drinks package
✥ Free Upgrade from Oceanview to
Balcony Stateroom
Choose this wonderful island hopping cruise to become a connoisseur of the Caribbean visiting some of the more exotic
and lesser frequented islands. Spend the day on Grand Anse Beach amid the aromas of nutmeg and cinnamon or go
river tubing on the Balthazar River in Grenada. Take the Sugar Cane Express on St Kitts and wander through the leafy
courtyard cafes and fine collection of West Indian gingerbread houses on St Maarten. Visit the rum capital of the world
on Martinique with its colonial flair and yacht filled harbour at Fort De France. Take a trip from Tortola to wallow in
the Baths at Virgin Gorda - the massive volcanic boulders which form secluded pools and grottos; and tour La Soufriere
Volcanic peak on Guadeloupe.
Date Itinerary Inside Outside Balcony
11 Dec 18 C £1499 £1639 £1639
23 Dec 18 B £2429 £2589 £2689
8 Jan 19 A £1899 £2049 £2049
22 Jan 19 A £1859 £1999 £1999
5 Feb 19 A £1899 £2049 £2049
19 Feb 19 A £1869 £2019 £2019
5 Mar 19 A £1899 £2049 £2049
19 Mar 19 A £1949 £2089 £2089
Date Nights Interior Oceanview Balcony
2 Apr 19 20 £2029 SOLD OUT £2529 19
Call now to book: 0800 082 2170 or visit