Study Leave
Study leave may be granted for study purposes. Employees are entitled to a
maximum of 10 (ten) days of study leave per annum. All applications should
be made on an Absence Request Form and approved by your line manager.
Relevant supporting documents must be attached with the completed
Absence Request Form.
Special Leave
Special leave covers unpaid leave and other paid leave for special cases such
as appearing in court, if the employee is to remain in quarantine on the
instruction of a registered medical practitioner or if the employee is
attending a meeting or conference approved by Synexus SA, for example
CPD points.
Maternity Leave
If you are pregnant or thinking about having a child, Synexus is here to
support you during this exciting time. Please notify your manager and HR as
soon as possible when you find out you are pregnant so we can provide
support and plan for your time away.
Four (4) consecutive months maternity leave shall be granted to employees.
Permanent employees that have 1 (one) year or more of service with Synexus,
are entitled to the Company Maternity Pay.
Employee Handbook SA
Version 6 - February 2018