Electrical appliances:
• Faulty electrical equipment or lighting, or appliances with frayed
leads must not be used. These should be reported as above for
appropriate action
• Electrical appliances must be switched off and, where appropriate,
unplugged, at the end of the day or when no longer required
• No staff member should install, dismantle or repair any electrical
appliance or plug unless authorised to do so
Fire and Evacuation
If a fire is discovered or suspected the member of staff should
immediately activate the nearest fire alarm and if appropriate phone the Fire
Service. When the Fire Brigade replies inform them distinctly of the location
of the building. Do not end the call until the Fire Brigade has repeated the
Without risk to personal safety try to extinguish the fire using an appropriate
extinguisher, if the fire is contained in a closed office or is out of control
please evacuate the building immediately and go to your assembly point.
A list of Fire Marshalls should be located on the staff notice board normally in
the kitchen areas of each location. It is the responsibility of Managers to
ensure that all staff are aware of evacuation procedures, escape routes, and
their assembly points once outside the building.
Employee Handbook SA
Version 6 - February 2018