Medical Aid
Membership of the Company's accredited Medical Aid Fund is voluntary
(Discovery or Momentum).Synexus offers all permanent employees a
compnay contribution towards the principle member's (the employee's)
medical aid scheme premium amount as per the following categories:
R1,399 or less per month = 30% contribution
R1,400 to R2, 399 per month = 25% contribution
R2,400 to R3, 799 per month = 20% contribution
More than R3, 800 per month = 15% contribution
The company will pay the medical aid and will deduct the balance of your
contribution from your salary per month.
You can have additional members, but the company will only pay towards
your standard basic premium contribution amount. (i.e. excludes. vitality,
multiply etc.)
Please note you will have to transfer your medical aid to Synexus, if currently
paid in your personal capacity.
Joining will be subject to the medical aid terms and conditions.
These are the only 2 options. You cannot add an additional cash portion to
your basic salary. You will not be allowed to unnecessarily change your
option during a calendar year.
Employee Handbook SA
Version 6 - February 2018