All About Leave
Annual Leave
It's always good to take a holiday and we encourage everyone to use their
annual leave entitlement each year. It is important to plan your leave early to
ensure you are not left with a large amount to take near the end of the year.
Full-time employees receive 18 working days annual leave. Alternatively this
can be calculated as 1.5 days leave per full month worked. You are also able
to carry over up to five days leave into the following year with approval from
your Manager. This needs to be used by 31st May or else it will be forfeited.
If you are sick during your annual leave period, you may have this period
treated as part of your sick leave. However, you must have a medical
certificate for all days claimed.
All employees need to submit leave for the days between Christmas and New
Upon termination of employment, the employee will only be entitled to
payment of any leave not yet taken prior to the termination of employment
with regard to the prior and current leave cycle.
Requesting and managing your leave is easy and can be done through your
Cascade Self Service account. Login details are provided by HR. Click on the
Cascade icon below to be directed to the Cascade Login Page.Employee Handbook SA
Version 3 - Feb 2017