Employee Handbook SA
Version 3 - Feb 2017
Employee Handbook SA
Version 3 - Feb 2017
Employee Handbook SA
Version 3 - Feb 2017
Any injury occurring at work, or any accident, which might have caused
injury, should be reported immediately to a qualified First Aider and to HR,
regardless of how minor the matter may appear. Prompt, accurate reporting
is essential for deciding what action is necessary to prevent a similar incident
General Safety in the Office
Staff must not be complacent about safety because they work in an office.
Accidents can happen anywhere and a great many occur in offices, usually
due to a lack of awareness.
The following list is not exhaustive but gives examples of possible hazards:
• Drawers must not be left open to be stumbled over. Only one drawer
of a filing cabinet should be opened or pulled out at the same time
• Staff must make sure that trailing telephone cables and flexes from
office equipment do not present a hazard
• When carrying files or boxes staff should ensure that they can see
where they are going, particularly when moving up or down the stairs
• A tidy method of working is essential. Nothing should be left lying
around on the floors, standing in, or protruding into the passages and
• Care must be taken when using pins, staplers and guillotines and
sharp objects must never be put into waste paper-bins
• Escape routes must be kept clear from obstruction
• Fire doors must be kept closed at all times