Employee Handbook SA
Version 3 - Feb 2017
Employee Handbook SA
Version 3 - Feb 2017
Employee Handbook SA
Version 3 - Feb 2017
Without risk to personal safety try to extinguish the fire using an appropriate
extinguisher, if the fire is contained in a closed office or is out of control
please evacuate the building immediately and go to your assembly point.
A list of Fire Marshalls should be located on the staff notice board normally in
the kitchen areas of each location. It is the responsibility of Managers to
ensure that all staff are aware of evacuation procedures, escape routes, and
their assembly points once outside the building.
If you have visitors, you should inform Reception in advance of their arrival
and also advise other departments who may be involved, particularly if it is a
client. All visitors & contractors to the company will be asked to sign in the
visitors book located at reception, wear a visitors badge at all times whilst on
the premises and adhere to the Health & Safety guidelines.
Employees are not normally permitted to invite visitors to enter Company
premises except on Company business. However, if an employee does
receive a personal visitor, including children, s/he should remain within the
employee at all times.
The safety and behaviour of visitors, including children of all ages, for so long
as they remain on company premises, are the responsibility of the employee
at whose invitation they are present.
Employees have the duty and authority to challenge anyone not readily
identifiable as a bona fide visitor or volunteer, particularly if discovered in a
clinical or laboratory area, and to question their presence. You should
question any visitor or volunteer whom at any time you feel is in any area of
the building you consider they should not be in.