Sage Publications have granted free access to the current and all past issues of
the International Social Work journal and all its journals to celebrate World Social
Work Day.
'We are delighted that Sage Publications has made this journal open access for
90 days', Rory Truell from IFSW said. 'There are many articles describing social
work from across the world's nations. Normally these can only be accessed
through university libraries, but the vast majority of social workers don't have
access to these facilities after finishing their qualifying training and some
educational settings lack funds to subscribe to journals. A big thank you to Sage
for recognizing World Social Work Day and making this and all their other journals
freely available for everyone.'
To start your 90 days access, the user will need to create a profile on the SAGE
Website, the form is,
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals (sagepub.com)
Then claim your 'access token' here: https://journals.sagepub.com/page/help/freetrials,
to have full access to the more than 1000 journals published by sage.