The latest monthly current awareness bulletin are now available containing
a huge number of articles and books.
Current Awareness Bulletin: Social Work March 2021
Plus a special supplement on advanced care planning and ends of life care
Supplement 3.21 Advanced Care Planning (including work from Deirdre
McKenna Southern Trust PHA)
Mc Kenna, D., O'Shea, J. and Tanner, L. (2020) 'The Heart of Living and Dying:
Upstreaming Advance Care Planning into Community Conversations in the Public
Domain in Northern Ireland', J of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 16
(4), pp. 346-363.
(Contact Hazel Neale if you need these bulletins issued to you)
Note from Hazel Neale:
I am sure you are all aware of the connectivity issues between HSC & QUB. This
is causing significant difficulties, not only to library staff but for all who work with
students on placement or who may be involved with research etc. We are doing
our best to work with what we can. If you have emailed me since 4th March and I
have not responded, it is because I have not received your email.
For you, it means if you want to contact me you have 2 options:
Use my SHSCT email, hazel.neale@southerntrust.hscni.net and I will pick these
up when I am on site a few times a week
email me from a non-HSC trust email account such as Gmail, Hotmail etc to my
normal healthcare library email account: