New Social Work and Social Care Strategy Launch
We are delighted to announce the launch of our Social
Work Research Evidence -Supporting Continuous
improvement in Service Outcomes Strategy 2020-2025
(Health &Social Care Board, 2021).
The launch took place at the Research Conference in
March. Jackie McIlroy (DoH) acknowledged she whilst she
was speaking to those who were already converts to
research and evidence she nevertheless reiterate the
importance of research and evidence in social work and
social care.
"Research is so important in promoting health and social
wellbeing, as we explore existing and new interventions to
improve quality of life for our population. Research and
evidence remains so important to the delivery of
efficient and effective services that respond to what
service users and carers need. This requires us to be open
to national and international research to explore best
practice and appropriate evaluation techniques and
The final strategy was the culmination of work
that commenced in 2019 with a review of the
previous strategy (2020-2025) and included a
public consultation exercise that ended October
2020. It is supported by Building and Research
Communality Network. Members of this network
are accountable for progress via the Northern
Ireland Social Work Leadership Network.