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@GCSocialWork | #Up4theChallenge
Grand Challenges for Social Work
Kira Silk, LMSW
Director, Grand Challenges
for Social Work
University of Maryland,
School of Social Work
Lissa Johnson, MSW, LCSW
Director of Policy Initiatives,
Grand Challenges for Social Work
Director of Administration,
Center for Social Development
Washington University in St. Louis,
Brown School
Miguel Vieyra, MSW
Associate Director and
Grand Challenges Coordinator
Arizona State University
School of Social Work
John Beilenson
Communications Consultant,
Grand Challenges for Social Work
President, SCP
Christine Gherst, MSW
Communications Consultant,
Grand Challenges for Social Work
Senior Associate, SCP
SCP staff Jack Croft, Editorial
Manager, and Noah Levine,
Communications Associate,
contributed to this report.