THE PAJAMA GAME - Act 2 : Page 01
CLEAR STAGE PREZ This is just going to be a short meeting because the
WORKERS IN Boiler Makers Local is got the hall spoke for at 8
GROUPS o’clock. So, them that wants to get over to the
tri-Stage Meet will have plenty of time.What’s
PREZ ENTER SL going on down to the plant you all know as good as I.
WITH MIC And any members of the type I run into from time to
time who say “What good is the union, why should
I pay my dues?” Why they could get a mighty good
object lesson from where would they be now in this
here battle for the seven-and-a-half cents that they
wouldn’t get if it wasn’t for the union — what sure as
hell going to get it. So leave us all remember that our
union should be first and foremost in our minds, next
only to our loved ones and the tiny tots and kiddies.
Now before we break up we are going to have a little
entertainment and I hope you are going to show a
special courtesy tonight because a couple of the
cutting room boys has got up an act with Gladys
Hotchkiss who’s from the front office. And if these
good folk is good enough to come down here and do
this act for us why the least you can do is not to sneak
out the back way, like last time. The little number they
worked up is something that’s right on the nose
because it’s about getting hot. And fellow union
members that’s what we’re doing.. getting hot. (
I’ve got ::cling cling:: fsssss steam heat.
I’ve got ::cling cling:: fsssss steam heat.
I’ve got ::cling cling:: fsssss steam heat.
But i need your love to keep away the cold.
I’ve got ::cling cling:: fsssss steam heat.
I’ve got ::cling cling:: fsssss steam heat.
I’ve got ::cling cling:: fsssss steam heat.
But i can’t get warm without your hand to hold.