01295 770933 | enquiry@brightvisionevents.co.uk
Indoor Team Building
The Pitstop Challenge is our exciting
and enjoyable Formula 1 related
challenge. Teams are tasked with
designing & building a working model
racing car.
All cars must be "self-propelled" and
cannot be aided by pushing, pulling
or similar means. The task involves
purchasing parts from our Pitstop shop
and creating a suitable vehicle that
stays within the rules of the race.
Pitstop Challenge
Masterpiece Creation is the ultimate
in collaborative team building
challenges where all delegates have
one combined goal, recreate an
artistic masterpiece on a grand scale!
Guests have one objective, to create
small paintings that when put
together will replicate a masterpiece,
this event highlights the importance of
individuals within the larger team to
reach one common goal.
Masterpiece Creation Rogue Agent
You and your team are new recruits
into MI6, sadly you've joined at a
challenging time in the agency's
history. Of the 24 active agents on
duty all we know is that one of them is
a 'mole', the only problem is we don't
know which one. As the latest set of
recruits and the only ones who
haven't seen active duty you are the
only ones who can't have been
compromised. It's down to you and
your team to try and identify the
'mole' and save not only MI6.