creation of a National Task Force on Antibiotic Resistance.
In January 2015, Dr Jean Carlet was named Project
manager for the French government National Task Force for
the Preservation of Antibiotics created by Health Minister
Marisol Touraine.
Infection control
WAAAR is very active in the domain of infection control and
participates in global efforts in this domain.
Professor Didier Pittet, known for his worldwide work on
hand hygiene with the patient section at WHO
initiated the bi-yearly World Conference on Infection
Control in Geneva, ICPIC to which we participate.
Dr Pittet was a key scientific collaborator to the Benin
conference and has been keen to support IPC /patient safety
efforts including those for the French speakers from Africa
who have benefited from a special programme in ICPIC (2).
Patient safety
Patient Safety undertakings were also key to WAAAR's work
with the association Le Lien (founding Member) (3). The NGO
Le Lien organizes regular events to highlight errors in health
care and the way to counter them.
As well, WAAAR co-founding member, Garance Upham,
was on the Steering Committee of Patients for Patient
Safety of the World Alliance for Patient Safety for ten years,
later renamed WHO Patient Safety Programme
Media/Research seminar with the Sorbonne University of
Paris to examine various aspects of public communication on
AMR for the population, by WAAAR Member Professor
Antoine Andremont, Hôpital Bichat, Paris and member
Interventions in scientific and political conferences
Dr Carlet and other prominent members of WAAAR ave
presented scientific papers in conferences around the world
including Isqua, JNI, MSF, ESICM, Creirif, Santé et
Biodiversité, Le Lien, World Health Assembly, Journées de
Pathologies exotiques, ISF, Pathologies émergentes, Madrid
MoH, and Davos 2015.
WAAAR is a partner of the World Sepsis Day, a
collaborator of COMBACTE (4,5).
Work with the United Nations
Putting antibiotics on the UNESCO list is one of its founding
members' objectives.
At the May 2012 World Health Assembly, with the French
Ambassador to the UN, and the support of the MoH, the
memory of WHO Water and Sanitation Engineer, Yves
Chartier, who died in a mountain accident was honoured.
Chartier had done outstanding work in infection control and
French public health, (Protocol on Natural Ventilation,
injection safety, collaboration with USAID on water,
guidelines on sanitation). The event and the Journal
highlighted the urgency of AMR control with Dr Jean Carlet.
Chairing the 2012 World Healthcare-Associated
Infections Forum at the Biomérieux Foundation and followup
events. Ready for a world without antibiotics? The
Pensières Antibiotic Resistance Call to Action (4) and again
in 2014.
Participation in Oslo's Diplomacy and Health (Brazil,
France, Indonesia, Norway, Senegal and Thailand) meeting in
November 2014 sponsored by the Norwegian Institute of
Public Health. Outcome document from Oslo meeting
"Commitments to Responsible Use of Antimicrobials in
Humans" (5).
Participation in COMBACTE, in World Sepsis Day to
create guidelines, to support and actions for the Chennai
Declaration and European Antibiotic Awareness Day (6,7).
Dr Jean Carlet has published in scientific journals for more
than 20 years, specializing in acute care, on Sepsis, ARDS,
issues in infection control and antibiotic resistance. Just in
the past few months, Dr Carlet has published in ICHE
(Infection Control Hospital Epidemiology), AJRCCM, Indian
Journal of Critical Care, CID, Intensive Care Medicine,
Réanimation, Lettre infectiologue, ISID, as well as in the public
press (Le Monde, Huffington Post) and he has attended many
AMR CONTROL 2015 125
1. La Conférence Internationale des Ministres de la Santé sur la prévention et le contrôle
de l'infection en milieu de soins en Afrique (CIMSEF), in the news bulletin of WHOOMS
AFRO (in French): fr/benin/pressmaterials/item/5252-la-cimsef
s%E2%80% 99est-achev%C3%A9e-%C3%a0cotonou.html
2. ICPIC's web site :
3. Le Lien:
4. 2012, and again subsequently:
5. Norwegian Institute of Public Health Meeting: "Commitments to the responsible use
of antimicrobials"
6898:0:25,8195:1:0:0:::0:0&MainContent_6898=6706:0:25,9026:1:0:0:::0:0 and
outcome document: 739155c19b.pdf