RSPCA welfare standards
for domestic/common ducks
20 February 2015
* indicates an amendment
E 6.3 Averaged over an 8 hour period:
a) dust must not exceed 10mg/m³
b) carbon monoxide must not exceed 50ppm.
Air quality parameters should be maintained under all foreseeable climatic conditions, below the
following levels at bird head height:
Ammonia 11ppm
Carbon dioxide 5000ppm
Relative humidity 50 to 70%
Air quality parameters, i.e. ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc., should be measured
and recorded on a daily basis. Where possible, these levels should be automatically recorded.
E 6.4 Where automatic recording of air quality parameters is not possible, producers must monitor and record air
quality on a daily basis.
E 6.5 Ducks must have access to a thermally comfortable environment at all times so that heat/cold stress does
not occur.
The number, size and capacity of the fans are an important consideration when determining
ventilation rate. A minimum ventilation rate of 1.6 x 10-4m
3/s per kg0.75
liveweight is recommended.
The maximum ventilation capacity should be sufficient to limit a maximum temperature lift to 3°C.
E 6.6 Daily measurements of the maximum and minimum temperatures must be recorded:
a) from the centre of the shed and at either end,
b) at bird height.
E 6.7 Stock-keepers must:
a) have access to a copy of the Defra booklet Heat Stress in Poultry - Solving the Problem
(PB 10543, 2005)
b) be familiar with its content
c) adopt its recommendations.
Environmental enrichment
As ducks are waterfowl they require access to open water sources that enable them to fulfil key
elements of their complex water-related preening behaviours. Producers are therefore required
to provide open water facilities that enable ducks to have full body access to water, as specified
within the section on Water.