Some helpful references
You will find lots of helpful material at the NHS Institute for
Innovation and Improvement's website:
In addition, you may find these other resources helpful:
Patient Safety First campaign -
Institute of Healthcare Improvement -
National Patient Safety Agency -
Berwick, DM A primer on leading the improvement of systems, BMJ
1996; 312:619-22
Kohn LT et al., To Err is Human:
Building a Safer Health System', Institute of Medicine, 2000
Sari ABA, et al. Extent, nature and consequences of adverse
events: results of a retrospective casenote review in a large NHS
hospital, Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2007, 16: 434-439
Vincent et al. Adverse events in British hospitals: preliminary
retrospective record review, BMJ, 2001;322;517-519
Adapted from the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Safer Care team 2010: "How to run a safety improvement project"