Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
Life QI
Can you identify an area where quality could be improved?
Quality Improvement can only succeed when we work as a team, together with our patients and
carers, using a systematic approach. You can make improvements whether you are involved with
direct patient care or support the organisation in other ways.
We are a huge organisation and this is a unique platform for everyone to build the skills and
confidence to turn ideas into improvement. If you work for SEHSCT and know an area where
quality can be improved, we want to help you lead a project to improve our services.
The steps below will help take you from an initial idea or concern, all the way to running your
improvement project.
1. Form a team and agree the quality issue to work on.
2. Share your idea for a project with your Department/Clinical Manager.
3. Finalise your project with a QI Co-ordinator at a QI Clinic.
4. Submit your project onto Life QI and get going?
Life QI is our online home for QI projects at SEHSCT and will be your main workspace for the
project. You must book a timeslot at a QI Clinic to finalise your project with a QI Advisor prior to
registering your project on Life QI. Please do not register your project on Life QI until your project
has been discussed at a QI Clinic.
For further information on QI Clinics and access to a Life QI licence please contact
julie.hall@setrust.hscni.net (Life QI Administrator).