Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
What is Quality Improvement?
Quality Improvement utilises a scientific approach combining expert subject knowledge with
improvement methods and tools. The Model for Improvement is a simple, yet powerful tool
for accelerating improvement.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement approach to the science of improvement has
been adopted by the South Eastern HSC Trust. It consists of three key questions and a
series of Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles.
QI Academy
We are located within the Quality Improvement & Innovation Centre (QIIC), Trust
Headquarters, Ulster Hospital, Dundonald. The centre provides support internally for any
staff in relation to quality improvement. This includes support for project development,
grant applications and signposting to services within the Trust. The QI Academy will
provide the training and tools to assist staff to channel their ideas into projects and
initiatives that will lead to excellence in service provision.
The physical space within the centre provides a flexible environment for staff to utilise.
Over the past year we have seen an increase in the range of events that have taken place
within the centre and the flexibility means that it can be used for meetings, workshops,
conferences and webinars, acting as not only a building but will form a community of
thinkers and innovators, providing facilities where staff can interact and support innovative,
creative thinking and learning.
The state of the art simulation suite has also been a fantastic addition to the Trust, being
able to provide learning for staff and students in safety and human factors.