Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
Who can apply? How long is the Programme?
This programme is suitable for anyone who
wants to learn about Quality Improvement
(QI). It is open to staff (all bands). Prior to
attending staff are required to complete the
e-learning Level 1 Q2020 Strengthening
Foundations for Improvement module
SQE Lite is carried out over two half day
workshops or a one day workshop.
What does the programme involve? Programme Content
Attendees must be able to commit to
attending both half day workshops.
Workshop 1 includes:
Introduction and understanding systems
Idea generation
Model for improvement
Workshop 2 includes:
Measurement for Improvement
Human side of change
Completion of Workshops
Each participant will receive a certificate of
SQE Lite
Within the organisation there is an emphasis on developing the skills of our staff to be able to carry
out quality improvement within their own areas of work.