Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
Who can apply? How long is the Programme?
This programme is suitable for anyone who
wants to learn about Quality Improvement
(QI) and undertake a quality improvement
project. It is open to Band 7 and above and
welcomes participants from voluntary and
community organisations.
The programme runs for nine months from
February and is held in the Quality
Improvement & Innovation Centre (QIIC),
Trust Headquarters, Ulster Hospital,
Dundonald and other off-site locations.
What does the programme involve? Programme Content
Programme delivery will be through a
combination of learning techniques,
activities and exercises, small group and
plenary discussion. The programme
consists of five compulsory components:
Attendance at all taught days
Completion of the IHI Open School
Modules with supplementary material
for Social Care
Completion of reflective tasks linked to
IHI Modules (Social Care only)
Participation in a quality improvement
initiative with the support of an
experienced mentor
Sharing the learning with managers and
leaders at the final awards event.
The programme will cover the following areas:
Culture of Quality & Safety
Model for Improvement
Measurement for Improvement
Human Factors in Quality & Safety
Communication and teamwork
Improving person centred care
Sustaining improvement
Leadership and managing change
Quality Improvement Project Completion of Programme
A structured approach is used for each QI
project based on the IHI Model for
Improvement. Participants will decide on a
specific topic area/improvement initiative in
their area of responsibility and discuss this
with their manager and Trust representative
prior to commencing the programme.
Each participant will receive a certificate of
completion following verification that all
compulsory components of the programme
have been met.
Regional Quality Improvement in Social Care, Nursing & Midwifery Programme
The overall aim of this programme is to develop and strengthen social work, nursing and midwifery
staff and leaders by utilising quality improvement techniques and to contribute to the regional
development of quality improvement.