Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
The Q Community - Q connects people with improvement expertise across the UK
Q's mission is to foster continuous and sustainable improvement in health and care. To achieve
this, we are creating opportunities for people to come together and form a community - sharing
ideas, enhancing skills and collaborating to make health and care better.
Q is a long-term initiative aiming to support individuals and their improvement work. Through this, Q
benefits member organisations and the populations they serve. It has been designed to
complement and enhance other initiatives and networks. People in the community pool together
their knowledge, insights and connections - encouraging collaborative ways of making
•There are over 2,500 members and the community continues to grow.
•Q is being delivered by the Health Foundation and supported and co-funded by NHS Improvement.
•Opportunities to join Q are now open.
Visit q.health.org.uk to find out more.