Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
Facilitated Support
Who can attend? How can I book a time slot?
The QI Clinics are open to all staff across
the Trust and are held on all three sites.
Contact julie.hall@setrust.hscni.net to book a
30 minute timeslot. If more time is required
please advise at booking.
What is available at the QI Clinic? QI Projects
At the clinics we will share our knowledge
of improvement tools and techniques and
provide advice on how to:
-Use the model for improvement
-Develop ideas for change
-Select measures to know your change is
an improvement
-Test changes
-Develop run charts
-Help you reflect on your learning
-Communicate your improvement
-Inspire you to achieve even more!
At the clinics QI projects will be discussed to
develop an understanding of processes
involved in improving safety, quality and
patient experience using skills in Continuous
Quality Improvement.
Quality Improvement (QI) Clinics
Gaining new knowledge is exciting. Translating into practice can be more of a challenge. At the
Quality Improvement (QI) Clinics we will support individuals and groups in their improvement efforts
by providing ideas and advice about the application of improvement techniques.